A multi-currency app for travellers, expats and freelancers.
Get access to 200 high converting headline formulas. Copy the title that fits best, insert your details and go live. It’s that easy!

by FCA
Millions of
Free Travel

Spend at the real exchange rate.
Get access to 200 high converting headline formulas. Copy the title that fits best, insert your details and go live. It’s that easy!
- Free to pay with currencies in your account
- Free ATM withdrawals up to £200 per 30 days
- Only pay a small conversion fee when you convert your money
- Automatically convert your money at the real exchange rate
- Accepted anywhere in the world that accepts Mastercard
Receive money with zero fees.
You can hold over 40 currencies in your Brisk account and switch between them in seconds — on the move, in the moment, or when the rate is right switch between them.

Hold and convert 40+ currencies.
Get access to 200 high converting headline formulas. Copy the title that fits best, insert your details and go live. It’s that easy!
Saved by 500,000+ people and companies around the world
5Y historic annual return on our Balanced fund (28th Feb 2019)
Average savings on bills and expenses per customer
Receive top quality assistance for all your hotel reservations
Our pricing
flexible and simple.
Get access to 200 high converting headline formulas. Copy the title that fits best, insert your details and go live. It’s that easy!

- Contactless debit card
- £200 Free ATMs & cash top-ups
- £2,000 Free Foreign currency spending
- Free Foreign currency transfers
2% fee when sending to non-Monese accounts £2 minimum fee

- Contactless debit card
- £200 Free ATMs & cash top-ups
- £2,000 Free Foreign currency spending
- Free Foreign currency transfers
2% fee when sending to non-Monese accounts £2 minimum fee

- Contactless debit card
- £200 Free ATMs & cash top-ups
- £2,000 Free Foreign currency spending
- Free Foreign currency transfers
2% fee when sending to non-Monese accounts £2 minimum fee
Free with all our plans.
The UiCore Card
A Mastercard debit card to use wherever you are in the world
Apple Pay & Google Pay
Pay with your phone quickly, safely and securely
Dual currency account
Open a secondary GBP or EUR account, at no extra cost
Multilingual Customer Support
Speak to us in 12 languages, via phone, email or chat
Instant UiCore transfers
Send, request and receive money from other users
Debits & recurring payments
So you can spend time on more important things
Experience Brisk now.
Get access to 200 high converting headline formulas. Copy the title that fits best, insert your details and go live. It’s that easy!